Monday, October 29, 2007

Strategy, I has it.

So apparently several of my fellow Tea Debaclers have fallen ill. They've got the "crud", as it were, and here we are - 3 days from Start.

I - the one who never gets sick - thought ahead. I figured "whilst I never do fall ill, it would be inconvenient of me to catch the sniffles at the beginning of November." So I decided to go ahead and have my virus last week.

I had the sore throat wherein the only thing I could eat was soy ice cream and Kahlua. I had the sniffles so bad I was forced to sleep with some Kleenex shoved up my nostrils. And yes, my knees ached with that almost-fever feeling that gives you a glimpse of what life with be like when you're 90 and arthritic.

But that was last week. As I said, I thought it prudent to get sick and get it over with, so that when The Great Tea Debacle began, I'd be healthy and ready to go!

That's called Planning, people!

That's a Strategy!

That, shall win me Tea.


Arachne Jericho said...

:throws hot water bottle at Kristine:

I shall :sniff: overcome :cough: dammit!!

Peter Damien said...

Dear Kristine,

I am coughing in your direction.



Lori A. Basiewicz said...

That's right. Infect Kristine. Infect her. Give Kristine all your germs. Bwhahahahaha.

Midnight Muse said...

*sticks head out of protective bubble* Say what?

Cath said...


There, that should do it.

Celina Summers said...


I ripped out 110k while flat on my back recovering from back surgery and swallowing masses of narcotics. It'll take more than an autumnal 'crud' to keep me down.

Unless, of course, I don't get this rewrite into my editor before Wednesday...

san_remo_ave said...

Contingency plan: one box of Airplane tablets. Works every time at first hint of sniffles or sore throat.

They say sleep is the best medicine. A good week or so of sleep should put you back in right sorts! ;)

Tori O. said...

I've just got slight congestion from my sinuses. Nothing taking my vitamins (including Fish Oil for more brainpower!) won't fix.

Verification Word: Lauaor - Sounds like a nifty name. Hmmm...I still need to name my Head Librarian dude or he's going to spend the next 5k as <_________>.

Lori A. Basiewicz said...

Oh, no, don't call him <_________>. Call him Head Librarian Dude. It's two extra words every time you type out his placeholder.

Midnight Muse said...

Ooh, Strategy, Lori has it :D

But no, just call him Chuck. Yanno, no need to ADD MORE WORDS!

Cath said...

Even better, set up an autoreplace so that every time you type Head Librarian Dude it also adds "(fill in name later)" after it.

Seriously, that little trick, making all the surnames double barreled and using strikeout instead of delete got me through my first nano.

Midnight Muse said...



Tori O. said...

LOL! Hmmm, I wonder how many words that would add...

Lori's got some strategy goin' on. The competition is going to start getting intense. :)

Lori A. Basiewicz said...

Me? Nah. Never. I'll be much more focused on my academic writing than I will be on Child of Fate in November.