Monday, October 15, 2007

Mental Dry Heaves

What a pretty topic, eh? That's how my day's going.

It's Monday, and I've come back from having a week off, so naturally I'm grumpy. Having the alarm wake me at the ungodly hour of 5:30 a.m., then finding a week's worth of backlog piled up on my desk, along with a tummy ache and - I think - a bladder infection, coupled with no less than 5 false starts for blog posts that I ended up deleting.

I couldn't seem to settle on the best topic for today. My frustration at the Automatic Reset Button tv shows keep using. The absurdity of writers who sit around and whine about how hard it is to write. A good rant about how hard it is to write. Or the chaos that is my preferred method of existence.

Then there's the pet peeve I get when watching shows like Property Virgins or House Hunters and see these women who turn down any house that doesn't have a two-hundred square foot closet for their clothes. Here's tip, ladies: Your closets aren't too small, you just have too many clothes!

But not one of those topics is really blog worthy today. Ironically, blogging about how I can't settle on a blog topic is pretty non-blog worthy, too. And yet, here I am.

Trying to avoid that backlogged pile up on my desk. Which, I'll have you know, is now reduced to a small, three-car collision.

Maybe tomorrow I'll blog about something worthwhile. Like Nano. Yes, I'm doing that again, and you know why?

I'll tell you why - It's the law of physics. Newton's first law, to be specific. A body at rest tends to stay at rest until affected by an outside force.

Basically, I'm lazy, and unless I have good reason to sit down (butt in chair, as we say) and Get It Done, I'll find reasons to sit and ponder my next scene or chapter until moss grows on my ass. And here in the Pacificnorthwet, that really doesn't take as long as you might think.

So I'm gonna Nano this new sequel. Yes, it's already started, but I won't be counting the words already written down for Nano. I'll post my word count on November 1st, and work my moss off to get to, if not beyond, an additional 50k by November 30th.

Cheating? I dunno, maybe. I don't think so. Nah. Could be. Not really. Prove it.

Nano nano.


Lori A. Basiewicz said...

Good luck with NaNo. Over at CarrPeeDiem, I'm considering the proposed bet and whether to raise, call, or fold.

Peter Damien said...

I'm considering if it's good for my diet, whether or not I eat two competitors at once.

(okay, actually I'm widdling myself a little, but it'll pass)

The problem I have is not with House Hunters but with Flip This House which I enjoy once in awhile...except that the show follows this horribly asshole Real Estate people who are just whiny middle managers, whereas my sympathies lie with the bearded guy actually nailing shingles to the roof in the rain. Sigh. :)

Midnight Muse said...

Yeah, I tried watching Flip this House last season, different company running it - they drove me crazy, but watching the workers flip the houses was always interesting.

Eat two at once, eh? Hmm...