Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Solitary Tea Drinker

A discussion in the comments section of our Great Tea Debacle page of Official Announcements reminded me of how solitary writing can be, especially to those of us who might not have a black book filled with friends and acquaintances.

Many of us, not just writers, have our lives compartmentalized - in that, we have our Work Selves, our Home Selves, and probably one or two Hobby Selves and sometimes never the twain shall meet. We probably don't socialize much with our coworkers, aside from the usual office BBQ or Holiday Party. Maybe our hobbies involve us with other people, and that's great, but we're less likely to include those folks in our every day business.

More often than not - though there are exceptions - many of us keep our Writerly Selves secret from friends and family. I talk about writing with my one sister, naturally, but never mention a word of it to my mother, stepfather, other sister or nieces/nephew. None of my friends know, and not a single person I work with has a clue I'm a writer.

Writing itself - the development of ideas, plots, characters - is all done inside our own heads, and there's nothing more personal or private than our own thoughts. That's why, if you locked up a writer in a room with no pen, paper, pencil or typewriter, we could still happily entertain ourselves for years and years, working on our novels inside our own heads.

I've said before, that writing is an almost ethereal blending of two polar opposites. It's something very personal, that holds deep meaning to each of us - something that's done in a very private manner from inside our minds to quietly appear on paper, shown to precious few if any until completion - then it's offered to complete strangers in the hopes that masses of the general public will read it for generations to come.

It's true of all the arts, really, except people can usually tell you're a painter, or see you sculpting before it's done, or even hear you play that piano before you perform the concert.

Sometimes I think I'll explode if I can't share when an awesome plot idea suddenly fills my mind - especially when the solution to a situation I'd been struggling with bursts into my head with such clarity and genius, I'm dying to see it come out. But I don't. Mostly it's because something like that is too detailed and convoluted to share with someone without literally boring them to death with detail, and also my sister - who is my reader - doesn't like spoilers.

November is going to be a very solitary month.

It could be a very lonely 30 days.

You're going to be writing your little fingers off, desperate to beat Pete the Chest Thumper, Lori the Wise and Determined, and Kristine the Energizer Bunny.

What about your friends? Your family? With Thanksgiving coming up, aren't you going to want to spend time with them? You've got that big meal to plan, and Grandma is going to want to give you tips on baking those pies.

And do you remember where you put Aunt Edna's lace tablecloth?

Then there's Christmas. You realize, as of November 1st, it's only 54 shopping days away?

Writing can be such a solitary undertaking. No one's going to fault you if you find yourself staring wistfully at those holiday decorations in that box in the basement. If your spouse needs a cuddle - if little Jr. has a rough time at school - if the leaves are piling up in your yard, making you the scorn of the block . . .

There is no shame in mailing the Tea. History will remember you.


Cath said...

Well, that's easy for me, since I don't celebrate Thanksgiving (being British and all) and all my relatives live overseas, so Christmas is a case of getting onto

Don't you worry, I'll give you a run for your money.

Either that, or remove those damned batteries.

Midnight Muse said...

What? Have you not embraced the traditions of your new Country? Are you merely a observer in this fine US of A ??

Surely you have interest in cultural exchange and trying new things!

Here's what you do: November 20th or so, head out and buy the BIGGEST turkey you can find, then scour the Internet for recipes and tips - don't worry, there's time to write still - Bake pies, mash potatos - become one with the American Holiday Tradition!

And keep your little mitts off my lithiums!

Cath said...

You are talking to the woman who kept saying "The British are coming, the British are coming" to anyone who wished me a happy July 4th.

I'm only doing Thanksgiving if someone else cooks.

**swaps MM's batteries for an inferior brand**

Midnight Muse said...

*snicker* So you kinda have a grudge, what with all the talke of TEA ??


Peter Damien said...

Don't worry, Kristine. Cath will just be busy on NOvember 5th instead, with the bonfire and the difficulty in finding a Guy Fawkes mask in America. ;)

Cath said...

Shall we just say, I'm motivated to do my country proud.

(Oh boy, I'm gonna regret this).

Cath said...

Pete - I was just gonna buy one of those V for Vendetta masks instead.

And I'm seriously considering using these word verification thingys as surnames...

Peter Damien said...

YEah, after I posted, I thought, "oh, V merchandise. Duh."

I'm sure some kid somewhere will go "Dur, why are they burning that character from the movie??? Weird."

Lori A. Basiewicz said...

Cath could blog about it! (In November, because she won't be doing or writing anything else then, right?)

Peter Damien said...

I'm sure you'll all have plenty of time to spend blogging, in November.

Midnight Muse said...

November should be National Blogging Month :D

Peter Damien said...

Except for you, when it'll be National Bogging month, 'cuz that's what you'll be.

(score! oh snap!)

Midnight Muse said...

sure, since I'll be BOGGING your mind with my word count !

Mmm, Earl Grey.

Anonymous said...


Soccer Mom the Spaz laughs quietly at them all and adds another page to the outline.

Pete's new last name: lmxjagk

which looks suspiciously like lumberjack.


Arachne Jericho said...

I doubled my outline page count to 20 pages from my first 10 yesterday. These took longer, though. Two hours and not one.

I don't do holidays. Or rather, I do, by working on them. :)

Anonymous said... brought me into the post and had me thinking about hobbies and the time I spend writing and then BAM! You popped that psychology on the other guys. You are seriously WRITING your way to a win. You are going to get inside of their heads and they wont be able to write a single thing. It's mind games...pure mind games. And I LOVE IT!


Midnight Muse said...

Yeah, Jerry, I'm tryin' - but the problem is, these are other writers who's heads I'm trying to get inside - have you ever SEEN the inside of one of those?


Carrie said...

*looks around inside own head*

*frightened, leaves quickly*

Nah, Muse won't be doing any damage in here, that's for sure! ;o)