Monday, July 23, 2007

Patience, grasshopper.

I'm still trying to get back into this blogging mode again. I was never as good at it as I wanted to be, but I never really took the time to figure this thing out. Then they went and changed it on me !

That's okay, I got a new blog title out of the deal, and it makes more sense now that it's the same as my domain name. But these template thingies are driving me between.

I've tried on - - what - - five so far? This one stuck all weekend because I wasn't on the computer this weekend. And it's not bad, as far as they go. But it could be so much better. I've seen some custom-made templates out there that really take the cake - but so far nothing that's "perfect" for me, so I still have this one. (let's face it, no one wants to look at light grey writing on a black background!)

Sure, I could learn how to customize it myself - but that's time better spent writing. And I find it funny that a writer should be so concerned with something visual. And yet, I am.

I love my red-eyed black cat, don't get me wrong. But I've always tried to envision what the cover art for my first published novel would look like, and figured I'd some day use that as the logo of my web page and blog.

Only - that ain't happened yet. So, here I sit, occasionally thinking I can create something just as cool, then realizing I'm not talented in that way. Which is just as well, I suppose. If I could draw/paint/create visual images, I wouldn't get anything done.

I'd sit here, drawing my characters, their ships, planets and settings, and get NO writing down. The last thing a writer needs is one more excuse not to be writing.

We're pathetic sometimes.

But in a week or two -- depending on when this pinched nerve thingie decides to completely unpinch, so I can have the feeling in my fingers back -- I plan to put samples of writing back up on the web page, the stuff that will never see the light of publishing, and start to blog about the Keeper series and the new, as-yet-unnamed spin-off.

I just need to try on a few more templates . . .

1 comment:

Cath said...

Or just switch to wordpress. It's not that hard and the templates are spiffy!

(I may be a little biased).